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Automated Next Generation Sequencing Library Prep

VERSA-1100, Automated liquid handling System, with 15-positioned modular deck configuration with options such as magnetic bead vortex, shaker-heater and ReagentDrop, For 96 well plates and 384 well plates.

Automated Next Generation Sequencing Library Prep

The VERSA™ system features innovative modules for Automated NGS Library Preparation. The Magnetic Bead Vortex ensures uniform bead suspension, while the ReagentDrop dispensing module and 96-Tip Aspirator enable fast, cost-efficient bead washing. Compatible with various kits, reagents, and labware, the VERSA™ workstations are highly scalable for different throughputs and budgets, optimizing your NGS workflow.

VERSA™ Automated NGS Library Preparation Applications

  • DNA/RNA Purification and Cleanup
  • DNA/RNA Fragment Size Selection
  • Enzymatic Reaction Setup
  • Library Normalization and Pooling
  • Single and Multiplex RT-PCR Setup
  • Sequencing Reaction Setup
  • Oligo-based Gene Synthesis Setup
  • Magnetic Bead Based Applications


VERSA™ 1100 Automated NGS Library Preparation System
Deck Capacity15
Pipetting Head

(Single Channel Function, Disposable Tip)

8 or 96 channel or 4 channel with independent Z-axis
ReagentDrop8 channels
Magnetic Block1
Temperature Regulation Block2
Reagent Cooling Block1
Plate Shaker1
96-Tip AspiratorOptional
Liquid Level SensingOptional
HEPA/UV/LED EnclosureIncluded
Width x Depth x Height (cm)98.5 x 75.2 x 108.2
Weight (kg)200


Independently Validated

The Dive into Next Generation Sequencing: From Validation to Implementation and Beyond!

This poster reviews how three different platforms of NGS, including Verogen ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Primer Set B Kit, ForenSeq mtDNA Whole Genome Kit, and ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit, were validated in accordance with the FBI Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) by using VERSA™ 1100.

Automating ForenSeq Kits Using Aurora Biomed’s VERSA™ 1100 Liquid Handling Workstation.

This application note/webinar shows three separate internal validation studies leveraging Aurora Biomed’s VERSA™ 1100 automation platform and the industry-leading forensic NGS library preparation chemistry – the ForenSeq® workflow by Verogen Inc.

Versa1100 Verogen AppNote

Validation of an Automated Method for Library Preparation for a Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Assay for Oncology.

This validation demonstrates the robust performance of the VERSA™ 1100 NGS library preparation workstation and the elimination of human-introduced errors when compared to the manual library preparation method for the CHP2 assay.

Validation of VERSA automated NGS library prep - VCU

Modules Tailored for Automated NGS Library Preparation Protocols


Magnetic Bead Vortex

ensures homogeneous bead suspension

96 Tip Aspirator

increases efficiency and speed while reducing tip costs

Heater Shaker with PCR plate


allows efficient sample processing


Reagent Block Cooler

preserves precious dNTPs, buffers and enzymes



draws reagents from their reservoir and eliminates tip usage

Current Gripper


moves sample plates between different deck positions

New Round Bottom Magnet Plate

Magnetic Block

pulls down magnetic beads for NGS automation

Modules & Accessories, Magnetic Bead Vortex, equipped to your liquid handler for lab automation.

Magnetic bead mixer

ensures homogeneous bead suspension

  • Open System – compatible with commercially available kits including Illumina, Thermo Fisher, etc…
  • HEPA/UV/LED Enclosure – keeps samples contamination-free
  • Scalable Solution – processes 1 to 96 samples in parallel depending on throughput demands
  • Unparalleled Customer Service – our engineering team is readily available to troubleshoot your protocols


Magnetic Bead Vortex – The Aurora Advantage for NGS Automation

Aurora’s unique magnetic bead vortexer specifically addresses the painful process of ensuring the bead mixture is sufficiently homogenized as critically outlined in all NGS automation protocols.

Immediately prior to use, vortex the beads until they are well dispersed. The color of the liquid should appear homogeneous.

Take care to minimize bead loss which can impact final yields. 

It is critical to resuspend the beads at the bottom of the tube… Resuspension is essential for achieving consistent cluster density to optimize the resolution of individual libraries when pooled together

Vortex beads before each use. Vortex beads frequently to make sure that beads are evenly distributed

– Illumina™ NGS Sample Preparation Protocol

Modules & Accessories, Magnetic Bead Vortex, Next Generation Sequencing/Massive Parallel Sequencing

How user-friendly is VERSA™ software for NGS automation?

The VERSA™ software is exceptionally user-friendly for NGS automation. It simplifies the process of programming, executing, and monitoring automated NGS workflows, making it highly intuitive for users.

Can VERSA™ handle high-throughput NGS applications?

Yes, VERSA™ is equipped to handle high-throughput NGS workflows, accommodating from a minimum of one sample up to 96 samples in a single run, depending on the specific workflow and configuration.

How many samples can VERSA™ process simultaneously in a high-throughput setting?

VERSA™ is designed to handle a scalable number of samples simultaneously, accommodating from minimum to 96 samples in a single run, depending on the specific workflow and configuration.

Is it possible to use solely the heater of the heater/Shaker module?

Certainly! While conducting various protocols using the Heater-Shaker Module, it might be necessary for the module to provide heat without the shaking function. The Heater-Shaker Module offers this capability.

What kits can be used with the VERSA™ automated NGS library and sample preparation system?

Our VERSA™ automated workstations are very flexible and open systems and are compatible with almost all the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) library and sample preparation kits, reagents and labware in the market.

Can VERSA™ be used to incubate samples on deck?

Yes, the VERSA™ Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction and Purification workstation is equipped with a Heater-Cooler Plate and Heater-Shaker that can be used for incubating samples at temperatures from 2 – 92°C.

Which steps of NGS library prep can be automated on VERSA™?

All the steps from DNA/RNA purification and cleanup, DNA/RNA fragment size selection, enzymatic reaction setup, library construction, normalization and pooling, single and multiplex real-time PCR setup, and sequencing reaction setup can be automated on VERSA™. Transferring the plate to a thermocycler for PCR reaction and centrifuging steps should be done manually.

Can user set up a pause point to take plates for centrifugation and etc.?

Yes, when manual intervention is required, a pause message can be defined to pop up on the monitor to notify the user about the next manual steps. VERSA™ Automated NGS library preparation system can also email the pause notifications to users who should take responsibility for the step.

Does ReagentDrop cause any splashing?

No, the ReagentDrop dispensing speed on the VERSA™ automated NGS library and sample preparation workstation is always optimized for reagents with different consistency to avoid splashing.

Is there any chance of cross-contamination?

No, we have validated the VERSA™ for automating different applications and have not observed any cross-contamination issues. the VERSA™ automated NGS library preparation workstation utilizes disposable tips to eliminate cross-contamination. Additionally, the aspirating and dispensing speed is carefully adjusted to avoid splashing or carry-over contamination. VERSA™ is also equipped with a HEPA filter and UV light to keep the environment contamination-free.

Does VERSA™ automated NGS library prep workstation only work with specific sequencers?

VERSA™ is a very flexible and open system and is capable of preparing libraries/samples for any NGS instrument.

Get more information on the VERSA™ Automated NGS Library & Sample Preparation Workstations:

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