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Precision Medicine & Ion Channel Retreat 2020

Precision Medicine & Ion Channel Retreat 2020

Precision Medicine & ION Channel Retreat 2020 logo

The Aurora team hopes you are doing well and staying safe despite the complexities of COVID-19. Due to the unprecedent global situation of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have come to the decision to cancel the 2020 Precision Medicine & Ion Channel Retreat (PMICR 2020). Even though this is unfortunate, we believe it is critical that the health and safety of attendees, speakers, and staff takes precedent. We are already planning ahead for PMICR 2021 in China and how we can advance it significantly, so that we can provide the best possible experience for everyone involved.

We wish you and your loved ones all the best during these difficult times. Thank you and hope to see you at PMICR 2021!

Kind Regards,

The Aurora Biomed team