Industrial Analysis

An atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) is an analytical instrument used in industrial analysis for the quantitative determination of a wide range of elements. AAS is used in many industries for the analysis of metals, minerals, oils, foods, and other materials. It is especially useful in the analysis of trace elements, such as those found in water, soil, and air samples. AAS can provide accurate and precise information about the composition of a sample, and can be used to monitor the quality and consistency of products. AAS is used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, environmental monitoring, and food processing.
❖ Chemical Identifications

An atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) is a type of instrument used to identify and quantify chemical elements in a sample. AAS is used in a variety of industries, including environmental, food, pharmaceutical, and industrial analysis. The chemicals industry is arguably one of the most central and complex industrial sectors in today’s global economy. Thousands of chemical manufacturing plants supply adjacent industries like semiconductor and electronics, polymer and plastics, and consumer products like smartphones, laptops, and wearable technologies. It’s a diverse range of products, however they share common challenges like increasing chemicals testing throughput, implementing inline processes that ensure the desired chemical and intended yield, and staff training to minimize contamination. Chemicals producers and the industrial or technology corporations they serve are pressured to meet the constantly increasing demands for quality sample testing throughput. Chemical analysis is performed in all steps of chemical research and development (R&D), downstream manufacturing and final test processes in order to ensure purity levels of raw materials, chemicals in all states, through to final product function and safety. A vast array of analytical testing technologies, informatics and services is essential to achieve and maintain the quality and purity success in a highly competitive market.
❖ Chemical Quality Assurance & Quality Control

An Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) is a type of instrument used in chemical Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).
Chemicals production has remained a cornerstone to nearly all the manufactured goods we rely on. Pharmaceutical and healthcare goods, stronger and safer construction materials, agrochemicals and pesticides to enhance our food supply, and greener energy saving advancements like LED lighting are just a few of the industries that rely on chemical quality and the important function of impurities detection. Fast growing markets have given rise to patents for innovative chemical products like those used in photovoltaic cell production for the solar industry, germ resistant coatings for the medical industry and specialty and fine chemicals that are manufactured specifically for the pharmaceutical industry. When the purity or expected content of blends are not to specification or regulation in such important end-product categories, the manufacturers or testing laboratories need analytical solutions that offer trace or ultra-trace analysis for metals and organic compounds without the risk of introducing contaminations into the process. Steps in the testing process such as manual sample preparation or impurities in the standards utilized can also lead to contaminations, representing incremental risk to the quality and impurities analysis process.
❖ Chemical Research & Development

Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) is a widely used analytical technique for measuring the concentrations of metal elements in samples. AAS is used in a variety of research and development applications, including chemical analysis, environmental monitoring, toxicology and geochemistry.
Developing new products is costly, as chemical companies must ensure that the products they produce reflect the specifications and properties across early phase innovation and development through downstream manufacturing process leading to the final product. The importance of developing new specialty chemical formulations like agrochemicals and pesticides is ever increasing due to population growth, climate change and diminishing natural resources due to industrialization. The continued innovation of new active ingredients for agrochemicals, in balance with quality and efficacy, is vital to global food production. However, this 71.6 billion dollar industry can only improve and thrive by addressing environmental changes by innovating products like slow release and timed release fertilizers, adapting to regulatory changes, international laws, and the ability of downstream manufacturing to easily adopt new technologies, software features and processes. Employing analytical testing solutions capable of high accuracy to detect unexpected toxicity levels, organic or metal impurities, and which are flexible enough to analyze synthetic and blended materials is critical to quality chemical manufacturing.
❖ Petrochemicals

An Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) is an analytical instrument used in the petrochemical industry to measure the concentration of certain elements in a sample. It is a commonly used tool in the petrochemical industry for determining the composition of petroleum products such as crude oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel. AAS has a wide range of applications including determining the concentration of metals in refinery streams, monitoring the concentration of heavy metals and other pollutants in water, and measuring the concentration of elements in food samples. Whether you work on oil exploration, refining, value added processing, or chemical development, we’re here to help you meet your requirements.
❖ Ores, Alloys & Metals Testing

An atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) is an instrument used to measure the concentration of an element in a sample. It is commonly used in the analysis of ores, alloys, and metals for a variety of purposes, such as quality control, environmental monitoring, research and development, and process control. AAS is widely used in the mining and metallurgical industries, as it is a reliable and accurate technique for determining the composition of ores, alloys, and metals. The steps to finding, extracting and processing geological materials and minerals are many. Each step of the mining process from drilling and blasting, crushing and milling, separation, refining, and distribution, requires fast sample testing and sometimes multi-element testing, and often at ultra-trace levels, to ensure quality of the materials you are selling into the market. The mining industry and the contract testing labs serving the industry analyze high volumes of ores, alloys and metal samples day-in and day-out for composition, impurities and isotope ratios.
❖ Geology & Exploration

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) is a common instrument used in geology and exploration for the identification and quantification of elements in geological samples. It is especially useful in exploration for precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper. It can also be used to determine the concentration of other elements such as lead, zinc, and iron. AAS is useful for identifying trace metals in geological samples, which can provide information about the geology and exploration potential of an area. AAS can also be used to identify and quantify trace elements in ore bodies, which can help with ore grade estimation and ore body evaluation. In addition, AAS can be used to monitor mineral processing and environmental conditions in mines.
A wide range of high-throughput sample analysis solutions is needed to handle the volumes and the diversity of the materials coming from the mining site. Additionally, the testing solutions utilized must be robust enough to withstand the continued introduction of dirty and corrosive materials. Aurora’s mining solutions are developed to meet these challenging conditions, in order to gain reliable and cost-effective insights and answers.
❖ QA/QC Failure Testing

An Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) can be used to detect trace elements in a sample. It is often used in QA/QC failure testing to identify the cause of the failure and to determine the source of the contamination. The AAS measures the amount of light absorbed by the sample material at specific wavelengths, which can be used to identify the presence of certain elements. The AAS can also be used to measure the amount of a particular element or compound in the sample, which can help to identify the source of the contamination.
Analyzing cleanroom air to identify and quantitate airborne contaminates like inorganic particles, organic compounds, and impurities introduced by manufacturing equipment and cleanroom construction materials, means that a wide range of analytical solutions are required to meet the needs of semiconductor and electronics QA/QC and failure testing steps.