Ion Channel & Transporter Screening Technology
Human genome sequencing identified more than 400 alleged ion channels and transporters. only limited numbers of these membrane proteins are functionally tested. The extensive tissue distribution of ion channels and transporters and their physiological functions made these proteins important therapeutic targets in drug discovery, development, and safety. Besides, these membrane proteins are expressed in different types of human cancers and represent novel cancer biomarkers. Ion channels are also expressed in the new SARS-CoV-2 virus and on the membrane of its host cells and are considered potential drug and vaccine development targets for COVID-19. With the advent of new technologies in ion channel screening, our knowledge is significantly strengthened. Aurora Biomed’s Ion Channel Readers (ICRs) combine the versatility, precision, and sensitivity of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) with the microsampling process and liquid handling technologies, creating a mid to high-throughput screening solution for ion channel researchers that fills gaps, which automated patch-clamp cannot.
Different Types of Ion Channels & Transporters

Aurora’s Ion Channel Readers (ICR 8000 & ICR 12000) are utilized as tools to facilitate any ion channel/transporter research or screening where the measurement of ion movement provides meaningful insight into channel activity. Major pharmaceutical companies are especially in favor of ICR given its automated workflow and high throughput. Academic institutions find that this technology provides reasonable data output at a low operating cost.
ICR 8000 Mid-Throughput Drug Screening Technology
The ICR 8000, the mid-throughput ion channel screening system, is an affordable and High sensitivity system that is compact enough for the benchtop while retaining broad utility. The ICR 8000 can be used to assess both voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels, as well as ion pumps and transporters, allowing researchers to accelerate drug development for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Programmable and automated solution for up to 5000 wells/day. Eliminates quenching effects associated with fluorescence and Removes the need to work with hazardous radioisotopes.
Advantages of AURORA’S ICR series:
- High sensitivity: 0.05mg/L (0.05ppm)
- Small sample amount: 100 mL ~5% CV ; 50mL ≤10% CV
- Available for 96-/384-wells microplate
- High throughput: ICR 8000 produce data up to 5000 wells/day; ICR 12000 to 60000 wells/day
- Low cost: ICR 8000 costs about $0.08/well
- ICR 12000 is $0.04 /well
- More widely used: Ion Channels & Ion Transporters
ICR 12000- High-Throughput Drug Screening Technology
The ICR 12000 is designed for ultra-high throughput ion channel screening of compound libraries, incorporating multi-channel sampling and enhanced automation features. Based upon the versatility, precision, and sensitivity of Aurora Biomed’s atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) instruments, the ICR 12000 is suitable for both ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels using cell-based flux assays. With the robustness of Aurora Biomed’s ICR technology, the reader offers high sensitivity for both electrogenic and electroneutral channels and transporters. The incredible 60,000 samples per day throughput of the ICR 12000 enables ion channel researchers to access compound QT liability early in the drug discovery process.
Ion Channel Readers (ICR) Applications:
Aurora’s ICR series detect the movements of ion across membrane proteins through quantifying intracellular and extracellular ion concentrations of interest using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). This is a technique that is independent of, and complementary to methods that rely on voltage manipulation. Since ion flux is a direct measure of channel and transporter activity, such assays are robust and less sensitive to disturbances. Data generated by the ICR Series are very consistent and predictive of drug potency.

Drug Discovery

Cardiac Safety

Cancer Biomarker

Ion Transporters

Stem Cell

Ion Channel & Transporter Research
Learn About Emerging Applications
Our scientists are currently collaborating with pharmaceutical and academic partners to develop new and effective ICR-based assays for use in transporter, natural product, and cancer biomarker as well as drug discovery studies.